Some Cool Links


Stuff About This Site

follow cool-links on neocities

Smallweb Places I Like

tags so far: #personal, #smallweb-movement, #resources, #concept.
yes i expect you to use ctrl-f like an animal.

#personal #smallweb-movement #resources cool website/resources/content. Love everything she has to say abt the web we should have and build.
#smallweb-movement A community of cool people who build cool websites. Check out the links and the webring.
#resources a neocities site on building tiny websites, really well done and with a cool directory.
miss moss
#personal #smallweb-movement a cute site
#personal cool site by an archival-type person.
#personal cool personal site with a lot of unique, cool pages.
irony machine
#personal #concept another really well done cool personal site.
satyrs forest
#personal #smallweb-movement I'm told this is one of the earliest sites from the smallweb movement.
#personal cool linking concept and love the dedication to accessibility
bill's world
#concept a website that was designed to take you back in time to the 90s.
#personal I love the understated design of this website.
blob garden
#concepts a garden of blobs
my buttons world
#concepts #resources a collection of 88x31 buttons for decoration

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